Home > Self-Catering > Old High Shield
★★★★ Self-Catering
Old High Shield Cottage is a spacious bungalow with lovely views of Northumberland’s striking scenery. Part of that scenery is one of the UK’s most important historical features, Hadrian’s Wall. Vindolanda and Housestead’s Roman Forts are under a mile, and further up the wall are Sewingshields Crags, Milecastle 35, and Turret 34a. In the other direction, Carlisle is 25 miles.
High Shield,Bardon Mill,HEXHAM,Northumberland,NE47 7AJ
Web: www.highshield.co.uk
Email: mpm.west+highshield@gmail.com
Name: Old High Shield
★★★★ Self-Catering